Supporting a Government-Led Consortium to Revive England's Town Centres
The High Streets Task Force is an alliance of place making experts working to redefine the high street. We provide guidance, tools and skills to help communities, partnerships and local government transform their high streets.

The High Streets Task Force provides support to local leaders in town centres and high streets in England. Funded by government, this support includes expert advice, training, and data delivered directly to local stakeholders in towns and cities, and a range of resources online that are available to all.
Our aim is to support place leaders to make the best decisions on the future of their high streets and how they best serve their communities, and to build long-term capacity for this local transformation. We have a vision for town centres and high streets as the heart of their communities, with a unique sense of place and a strong identity.
Whilst expert advice can help to solve some complex and technical problems facing high streets; the vision and capacity for change is generated from local leaders, businesses, people and organisations that care about their location. That’s why we work to develop sustainable place making skills across a range of local stakeholders.

ATCM Co-Chairs the High Streets Task Force Sector Leaders Group (SLG) which brings together many of the organisations that have members operating on the high street in a range of different sectors to provide insight to the Task Force
The High Streets Task Force SLG has responsibility for providing sectoral insights from high streets across the country, developing new knowledge and insight on what works and why, as well as cascading High Streets Task Force intelligence and insight back through their networks to their members.
Influencing Stakeholders
The purpose of the Group is to accelerate the positive transformation of high streets and town centres by influencing the attitudes and behaviours of hundreds of thousands of high street stakeholders, through collaborating with the many organisations, bodies and groups whose members have a sectoral interest in the high street.
Contributors and Meetings
The Sector Leaders Group is currently meeting monthly to discuss the co-ordination of responses to COVID-19, the impact on different sectors and required support from government. This is also informing the development of products and services by the Task Force.
ATCM's CEO, Ojay McDonald, Co-Chairs the Sector Leaders Group alongside the Chair of The BID Foundation (TBF), Bill Addy who is also CEO of Liverpool BID Company.